Meet The Partners & Hear Their Stories
Joel Mark
Founder / Partner
Path of One was an idea launched in 2018 when I finished grad school and found myself not in a position that I never wanted to find myself. On the verge of bankruptcy and serving food and making drinks to professionals that I so deeply wanted to be a part of. My entire life I have ran a path that has not always been the greatest. During these dark times I turned inward and began to soul search. I began to ask what is my why? Why do I do what I do? How can I become better? How can I impact those around me and those I meet on a day to day bases?
These questions lead me to the fact that I had been comparing myself to those in the media and others that I know that seemed “successful.” I slowly began to realize that we all have our own paths in life and these paths intertwine with other paths along the way. In the modern society we have Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, YouTube, news, entertainment, politics, and so much more. These are useful tools in life now; however, we have all seen the rich and famous showing off and we begin to strive to have those lives. The thing is no one has an identical path and each path is different and the true success comes from being true to one’s path and growing from the wisdom of the fellow sojourners of life whose paths we cross.
Path of One will touch on subjects that move people from comparing themselves to others; growing as a whole person; becoming the leader within; impacting those around you; developing deeper relationships; being better friends, family members, employees, leaders, and so much more. We will dive into leadership principles that not only impact you as an individual regardless if you are an authority figure or not. We walk down a path of forgiveness. We will pursue true love. We will look at faith. We will also learn to love ourselves so we can love others.
This is the Path of One and I hope you walk with me as our paths intertwine.
– Joel Mark
Dennis Gullion • Partner (Photo: Nykole Anderson)
Dennis Gullion
WHAT IS YOUR PATH IN LIFE? WHAT IS YOUR WHY IN LIFE? We have all heard the saying, “Life is a path, a journey.” My definition of Path of One is “embracing your path in life by realizing that God created a path designed especially for you which you must savor, cherish, and treasure.” Everyone has a different meaning to their Path in their life. Your path will be filled with laughter, heartache, happiness, sadness, failure, fear, and success. My Path in life has been one of overcoming adversity in many areas of life in business, personal growth, and so much more. It isn’t about the trials that we go through; however, how we grow and get through them and those around that give a helping hand.
I grew up living my life through the eyes of people telling me what was best for me and what I should do with my life. For most of my life, I was a people pleaser and gave up so many of my dreams because I I kept trying to fix myself and be what the world was telling me to be instead of realizing that I was perfectly made, because of the One who created me. I basically played the part I needed to play to get through the day. I put on the costume, learned my lines, and gave a performance in hoping I would be accepted by anyone that watched it. But behind the scenes, I couldn’t wait for the performance to be over.
Through all the adversity I went through, I always knew God had birthed a purpose in me which made me more determined to overcome adversity and live the Path that God had laid out for me. I never lost faith in my Path, and overcame all the challenges, obstacles, hurts, and setbacks I have encountered in life. All these obstacles were sent to derail my Path and keeping me from walking into my destiny.
My life is a constant walk of faith and when there were times I couldn’t walk, God carried me through. When asked to go on this Path of One journey with my brother Joel Mark, I knew this would be life changing for me. It would be a path that would allow Joel Mark and I help people change their lives by helping them determine their WHY, walk with them on their Path, and teach them to “Be Bold, Be Courageous, Be Fearless”. How Blessed Am I.
Path of One will bring the whole dynamic of leading your life so you can become a great leader. Every leader is unique and different, regardless if you have a title or not. Asking yourself what is your “Why?” Why am I here?, Why do I do the things I do? With each answer to why we will dive deeper into what makes you who you are and how to implement those aspects into a beautiful path of life and leadership. This will allow for deeper connections in your personal and professional life and most importantly helping others. I life forward to helping and seeing each one of us soar!
— Dennis Gullion