Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Fearless!
This post is about being bold, being courageous, and being fearless. These are my tag lines at the end of each post and is a reminder to myself to Be Bold! Be Courageous! and Be Fearless! As I was developing the idea for this blog/consultation I was thinking to myself what can I do that will impact others lives. This doubt kept coming back to me saying you have nothing to say. You don’t have any experience and your education doesn’t matter. No one will listen to you, you are just a bartender. The lies and doubts came and still do at a rapid pace.
One night as I was struggling if this was the right way for me to share what I have learned and help others. The doubts began to come at me full force. Then a small still voice inside said Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Fearless! Little did I know that those three statements would impact me so much. The small voice returned and pointed me to look at my forearm where I have the words Carpe Diem permanently marked on my arm. The voice said Carpe Diem (Seize the Day in Latin) and Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Fearless! After that night I sat down and begin to search for a name for the blog and reach out to those who maybe able to assist me in creating this dream become reality.
Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Fearless!
Often times in life we become timid and do not want to speak up for what is right, how we want to be treated, voice our opinions, and so much more. These three statements hold true in reminding us to step forward and do whats right.
Often times people believe that to be heard you have to resort to violence, hateful rhetoric, instilling fear in others, talking down to others, abusing others (verbally, mentally, emotionally, and physically); however, the contrary is true. Being bold, courageous, and fearless does not mean to do any of those things. In fact, it means you need to get out of your head and turn off the negativity. Say what you mean with conviction, compassion, and passion. It also means be humble and willing to listen.
These three statements don’t always mean that there is a discussion to be had. This could be someone who is struggling with seeking help for whatever issue that is holding them back. This could mean stepping out and putting yourself out there and confronting your fears. For me asking a woman out, writing this blog every week, or my irrational fear of heights. Personally, I have tried to conquer these one by one and realized that all three are tied together and the combination allows you to make huge personal momentum.
For those that are struggling with things. I encourage you to move out of your comfort zone. Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Fearless! Confront those demons and make strides to overcome. Speak with those that have converged on your path and let them know that you are struggling and ask them to be of assistance if they can. Seek professional help and all these fellow sojourners can help you overcome.
If you are working in an environment that there are issues that need to be resolved and not just by a band-aide; create a game plan with how to deliver the information and be prepared to come with solutions. Remember it is not always what is said or the information that is given that causes most of our issues in this world; however, it is in the delivery. Refrain from finger pointing and causing more damage; however, use words and ideas that will create buy-in, positive outcomes, and ultimately lead to solutions to issues that need to be addressed.
Always remember that your tongue is a double edged sword that can bring harm or it can bring healing. You have the choice on which to use. We have all seen the harms of poor choice of verbiage, inflection, and tone can do in situations. Be countercultural and use your words for healing, hope, and positive change. Start small and grow from there as some of the issues that plague us takes time to change and just like ripples in the water go from the center out. Impact what you can and let the ripple effect impact those around you and then let it multiply.
Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Fearless!